Wedding photography is not the area to cut corners.
These wedding pictures will last a life time. Below are ideas on how to choose a wedding photographer, costs to expect, a complete list of must-have shots and a beautiful article on formal wedding portraits.
Choosing your photographer
In the selection of your wedding photographer, you are often at the mercy of a super-salesperson and/or your own intuition. It seems as if PRICES is usually the main determining factor, even though there is NEVER a second chance.
Don't forget these photos After you've decided on the style of wedding photography that you prefer, you will need to choose which shots you would like taken. This comprehensive guide of 175 shots and poses should help you in that decision. Included are shots and poses which apply no matter the setting as well as shots and poses that are specific to a particular setting. Many of these shots can be formal or casual. Make sure to allow the photographer plenty of time to take all of the shots that you would like taken. In order to make it easier, you can print out the list, check the photos you want and show it to your photographer.
The formal wedding portrait The pendulum swings both ways. The world is ready for a return to good portraiture. It is obvious by the signs of the times....the demand, the sales! Fine portraiture has been around for a gazillion years. It will never disappear.
The price of wedding photography It is difficult to pay too much for something you really like. Yet, price is usually the one obstacle that prevents many wedding clients from selecting the photographer who undoubtedly could give them the best value for their money.
Wedding photography basics Choosing a wedding photographer is often a confusing process. You want to find someone who will take nice pictures, but how do you know what to look for? Between all of the different types of photography, cameras, films and all of the different personalities of photographers, it can often seem an impossible task. This guide will discuss styles of photography, film and how to choose a photographer that has a personality you can live with.
Wedding photography costs